
Here are the new Municipalities in the white areas covered by FTTH and FWA fibre: there are 139!

Work continues Open Fiber for the project Ultra-wide band (BUL), and in recent days new municipalities have been added in the Fraternal areasor those areas with low population density otherwise also called White Areas (If you’re looking for a new fiber operator, check out our coverage and price tracker.)

Infratel is the company of the Ministry of Economic Development (MISE) which promotes the creation and integration of infrastructures for the use of internet services at Ultra Wide Band in areas with low population density or in any case in the areas of the country where private operators have not considered it useful to invest in bringing fibre.

Winner of the three BUL project tenders, Open Fiber was commissioned by Brother to cable Italy down to the small municipalities to expand fiber optic coverage throughout the country and thus reduce the digital divide.

There are two technologies used: FTTH (Fiber To The Home), for a connection of up to 10 Gigabit per second, and, where not available, FWA (Fixed Wireless Access), the hybrid system that combines connections to fixed network and connections wireless.

With the update from a couple of days ago, Open Fiber added 139 new municipalities, 51 in FTTH e 88 in FWA, but there are some clarifications to be made. First of all, the fact that a municipality appears in the list does not imply its immediate availability to operators (at least to those operating in the White Areas), so you may have to wait a few days before the operator’s website confirms its coverage.

You will also notice that some municipalities are indicated in italics, which means that they are not yet tied to the national network (partial FTTH opening).

This implies that when you will request the coverage verification you will have to wait more for link activation.

Having clarified these aspects, let’s see the list of the new Municipalities.

New Municipalities covered in FTTH (51)

  • Amantea (Cosenza)
  • Andalo (Trent)
  • Anzola d’Ossola (Verbano-Cusio-Ossola)
  • Arena Po (Pavia)
  • Auronzo di Cadore (Belluno)
  • Caivano (Naples) Only PAC/PAL and/or operator nodes common
  • Campolattaro (Benevento)
  • Carema (Turin)
  • Carrodano (La Spezia)
  • Castelletto Uzzone (Cuneo)
  • Castellina Marittima (Pisa)
  • Cavriglia (Arezzo)
  • Comazzo (Lodi)
  • Comitiano (Naples)
  • Fiumefreddo Bruzio (Cosenza)
  • Fumane (Verona)
  • Gargallo (Novara)
  • Genola (Cuneo)
  • Gimigliano (Catanzaro)
  • Grantorto (Padua)
  • Lequio Tanaro (Cuneo)
  • Lesina (Foggia)
  • Maierato (Vibo Valentia)
  • Mesero (Milan)
  • Mineo (Catania)
  • Moriago della Battaglia (Treviso)
  • Negrar di Valpolicella (Verona)
  • Ottone (Piacenza) Partial FTTH common opening
  • Pagazzano (Bergamo)
  • Peschici (Foggia)
  • Pescina (L’Aquila)
  • Pievepelago (Modena)
  • Pinasca (Turin)
  • Plesio (Como)
  • Bridge in the Alps (Belluno)
  • Praia a Mare (Cosenza)
  • Quincinetto (Turin)
  • Rubiana (Turin)
  • San Giorgio Ionico (Taranto)
  • San Zeno di Montagna (Verona)
  • Sant’Agata di Esaro (Cosenza)
  • Selvino (Bergamo)
  • Sesta Godano (La Spezia)
  • Tavern (Catanzaro)
  • Torviscosa (Udine)
  • Val di Nice (Pavia)
  • Val Masino (Sondrio)
  • Vauda Canavese (Turin)
  • Vottignasco (Cuneo)
  • Zenevredo (Pavia) Partial FTTH common opening
  • Zerba (Piacenza)

New Municipalities covered in FWA (88)

  • Almese (Turin)
  • Arbus (South Sardinia)
  • Avetrana (Taranto)
  • Avigliana (Turin)
  • Bagnolo del Salento (Lecce)
  • Bagolino (Brescia)
  • Bocchigliero (Cosenza)
  • Borgia (Catanzaro)
  • Bosco Marengo (Alessandria)
  • Brentino Belluno (Verona)
  • Busano (Turin)
  • Buttigliera Alta (Turin)
  • Camerino (Macerata)
  • Bell (Cosenza)
  • Camugnano (Bologna)
  • Canossa (Reggio nell’Emilia)
  • Carbonia (South Sardinia)
  • Carema (Turin)
  • Carona (Bergamo)
  • Carpino (Foggia)
  • Casal Cermelli (Alessandria)
  • Cassina Valsassina (Lecco)
  • Castelspina (Alessandria)
  • Cereseto (Alessandria)
  • Ciconio (Turin)
  • Cison di Valmarino (Treviso)
  • Contà (Trent)
  • Cremeno (Lecco)
  • Cremia (Como)
  • Wedge (Wedge)
  • Cursi (Lecce)
  • Erbezzo (Verona)
  • Favria (Turin)
  • Feletto (Turin)
  • Front (Turin)
  • Frugarolo (Alessandria)
  • Gaggio Montano (Bologna)
  • Girifalco (Catanzaro)
  • Grizzana Morandi (Bologna)
  • Latisana (Udine)
  • Lusigliè (Turin)
  • Jerseys (Lecce)
  • Manduria (Taranto)
  • Mangone (Cosenza)
  • Maratea (Potenza)
  • Melpignano (Lecce)
  • Mombello Monferrato (Alessandria)
  • Monte Santa Maria Tiberina (Perugia)
  • Montescheno (Verbano-Cusio-Ossola)
  • Montirone (Brescia)
  • Musso (Como)
  • Neviano degli Arduini (Parma)
  • Oglianico (Turin)
  • Ovindoli (L’Aquila)
  • Ozegna (Turin)
  • Ozzano Monferrato (Alessandria)
  • Pasturo (Lecco)
  • Paterno Calabro (Cosenza)
  • Pianello del Lario (Como)
  • Pontestura (Alessandria)
  • Porto Cesareo (Lecce)
  • Post office (Rieti)
  • Pratiglione (Turin)
  • Precenicco (Udine)
  • Ravascletto (Udine)
  • Revine Lago (Treviso)
  • Rogliano (Cosenza)
  • Rubiana (Turin)
  • Sala Monferrato (Alessandria)
  • San Giorgio Canavese (Turin)
  • San Giusto Canavese (Turin)
  • Sant’Agata di Esaro (Cosenza)
  • Saint Ambrose of Turin (Turin)
  • Sant’Antioco (South Sardinia)
  • Santo Stefano di Rogliano (Cosenza)
  • Sezzadio (Alessandria)
  • Solonghello (Alessandria)
  • Tarantasca (Cuneo)
  • Tarzo (Treviso)
  • Torrita Di Siena (Siena)
  • Treville (Alexandria)
  • Valfornace (Macerata)
  • Valvarrone (Lecco)
  • Vergato (Bologna)
  • Verona (Verona)
  • Villar Dora (Turin)
  • Visco (Udine)
  • Vittorio Veneto (Treviso)
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