This year you will hear a lot about “Augmented Mindset” so take note
In a future that already seems not so far away – who knows if 2024 will be a key year – you will find yourself talking to your own artificial intelligence assistant. This will be like your personal guide, accompanying you in every step of your day to day.
It may sound a bit futuristic, but there is no doubt that it is about to become a reality and become part of your daily life, giving you useful information and guiding you perfectly in all kinds of moments, whether when you are shopping, taking your children to the doctor or simply being at home watching a movie.
When mentioning artificial intelligence assistants, you probably think of tools like Siri or Alexa that respond to simple voice commands. However, the assistants of the future will be much more advanced, incorporating something called “augmented mindset.”.
This means that they will not only respond to what you tell them, but also to the images and sounds around you in real time, captured by cameras and microphones on AI devices that you will carry with you.
A great technological advance that will surely scare you quite a bit
To make these next-generation assistants slowly more and more possible, there have been advances in what are called large multimodal language models (LLM). These models They not only process text, but also images, audio and videolike the current ChatGPT, giving artificial intelligence the ability to “see” and “hear” the world around you.
Companies like Google and Meta have launched multimodal models, and the integration of these advances in devices such as smart glasses or the famous and viral Ai Pin from Humane, promises to change the way you relate to technology. In the end, these two devices are the beginning of something much bigger related to “augmented mindset.”
Although this may sound really good to many, As always, the aspect of privacy and security of your data must be mentioned, apart from the risks associated with the manipulation of artificial intelligencewhether by companies or governments, in their favor and with the aim of controlling.
Additionally, surely for many people, the idea of allowing AI assistants to talk to them continuously is something they want to avoid. The problem is that, once a large percentage use them in their daily lives, you will almost have no other option.