
Does Apple Vision Pro cost too much? An entry-level model could arrive

Only a few weeks have passed since Apple revealed to the world its Vision Pro, the first virtual reality and augmented reality viewer from the Cupertino company.

One of the aspects that certainly characterize Apple’s viewer is its attractiveness on the market consists in the high launch price. We talk about $3,500 for the US market. And for those who think that’s too high, Apple is working on a countermeasure by developing a new Vision Pro model.

This new model of Vision Pro would be entry-levelwith an introductory price that it would be more than halved. In fact, there is talk of a price that would go from the current $3,500 to $1,500. How does Apple intend to do this?

Among the components that involve the greater waste of resources in the creation of Vision Pro we find the two displays that integrate the viewer. It’s about micro-LED display made by Sony, which would cost Apple 456 dollars to create the viewer, compared to around 1,500 dollars in total.

This is clearly an estimate made based on the components it integrates, not confirmed by Apple.

Then Apple would aim to reduce the cost of producing the viewer by reducing the expected cost of the displays. This reduction would amount to about 50% compared to the current model. Apple would therefore be exploring with display manufacturers such as SeeYa And BOE for supplying displays for its entry-level Vision Pro.

The display sector would not be the only one that could be the subject of spending review by Apple for the new economical model of Vision Pro. The company could in fact employ lower end hardware for other compartments of the device. It is not yet clear which components this will involve.

At the moment we have no details on when this new Vision Pro could arrive, also because the current model has just arrived on the market. Analysts indicate that the affordable Vision Pro should debut in two-year period 2025-2026.

We will update you again as soon as we know more.

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