
The revolution of Xbox games on PS5 (and beyond) starts with four titles

After the rumors that started circulating in recent weeks, it finally arrives official confirmation: Xbox is about to bring some titles exclusive to Microsoft’s consoles to other consoles, such as PS5.

This confirmation comes from Phil Spencerthe CEO of Microsoft Gaming who gave an interview to The Verge. Spencer essentially confirmed that some Xbox exclusives will officially arrive on other platforms, including PS5 and Nintendo Switch, just as had been rumored in recent days.

Spencer did not disclose exactly what they will be these games, but it seems that there will be no Starfield or Indiana Jones, at least at first. Why did Microsoft make this move?

The CEO of Microsoft Gaming reported that this is a strategy he aims to achieve grow further the sector of titles launched by Xbox. Bringing them up other platformsan increase is obviously expected sales and an increase in interest from the general public, which should grow in parallel with the community associated with each title.

In other words, Microsoft makes it clear that its video game business it is absolutely not to be restricted to just one hardware devicebut now bases one of its most substantial parts on software and cloud content.

They will come other games too Xbox exclusives on other platforms in the future? Spencer doesn’t close the door to anyone, but obviously he can’t make promises. It seems that Microsoft plans to start with four titles as well test the ground. Much of the future of this strategy therefore depends on how it is received by the public.

In addition to games, there are also in the minds of Microsoft Gaming management new hardware devices of new generation, about which not much has been reported.

This completes the picture of epochal turning point that Microsoft is about to accomplish in the world of video games. Xbox it is not just a hardware device (anymore). with which to play, which perhaps is no longer even its center of gravity.

They focus much more on content, we’ll see if they’re right.

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