Telegram toasts to 2024: calls improve, messages vaporize and much more
When it’s very close to the new year, Telegram wants to toast with a new update to start 2024 more energized than ever.
Precisely in conjunction with New Year’s Eve, the popular messaging app has released a new update, which as usual introduces a good number of substantial and tangible innovations. Let’s go and see them together:
Calls improve
Telegram has almost radically updated the calling experience on its platform, adding new animations and new wallpapers That they change dynamically based on the status of the call: when it rings, when it is active or when it ends.
It has also been improved efficiencyso calls will require fewer resources and will have less impact on battery life, especially on older devices.
The messages vaporize
One arrives new animation for deleted messages. This is purely a graphic innovation: when a chat message is deleted it will be shown a vaporization animation that accompanies the elimination.
Below you have a practical example.
“Epic” update for bots
Telegram releases what it calls the biggest update of the year for i bot. The possibility arrives to react to messages and manage reactions, the quotes and the links, send replies in other chats or topics and much more.
Additionally, bots will also be able to get information about giveaways and boosts in channels where they are admins
The update we just described is currently during automatic distribution for apps Android And iOS of Telegram. Below you will find the direct buttons to check if you have already received the update for your device.
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