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Better late than never: you can now play Hogwarts Legacy anywhere

Hogwarts Legacy is the open world video game set in the Harry Potter universe and it was one of the titles best sellers in 2023as could easily be understood from the boom in sales at launch.

Now, the video game adored by all fans of Wizarding World is finally available also for Nintendo Switch. To achieve this goal, all owners of the Japanese console were asked to wait for 9 months since its official release.

In fact, the video game was launched in early Februarybut only on PS5, Xbox Series

Finally this day has come and from today you can buy it and play on the Nintendo console. Therefore, the Hogwarts Legacy sales could see a new spring both because now we can reach all those users who had no other way to access the game, and because we are getting closer to the Black Friday et al Christmasso it can become an interesting gift.

However, the first rumors on the video game are polarizing: there are those who criticize it because there seem to be too many loads and fewer FPS compared to the experience provided on other consoles, while there are those who reward it because ultimately it works well, especially on a console that is no longer brand new: sign that the Avalanche Software team did a great job.

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