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Experts warn of these mods for WhatsApp that contain spyware and you should be alert

WhatsApp It is the most used messaging application in the world, both on Android and iOS devices, and that is why cybercriminals use this application to infect the largest number of people.

Not only the typical tactic of trying to send messages through WhatsApp with links that redirect to fraudulent pages, but they are also taking advantage of the different illegal modifiers that exist on the network to infect a large set of devices.

In fact, one’s own WhatsApp is chasing all these illegal modifiers that exist on the network and that add new functionalities to the application, among which are, for example, the well-known GBWhatsApp, WhatsApp Plus and AZE PLUS.

Now cybersecurity experts from the firm Kaspersky are warning that some of these mods for WhatsApp include Trojans that are not only capable of accessing your contact list in the calendar, but they can also record your voice.

Specifically, Kaspersky has found in these WhatsApp mods the spyware identified as Trojan-Spy.AndroidOS.CanesSpy.

“After installation on the victim’s smartphone, an infected WhatsApp mod waits for the phone to turn on or charge before launching the spy module. It contacts one of the C2 servers in the respective list and uploads various information about the device, such as phone number, IMEI, cellular network code, etc.,” they explain.

“In addition, the spy Trojan sends information about the victim’s contacts and accounts to the server every five minutes, while waiting for commands,” they warn.

The most dangerous thing is that this Trojan is that you can record sound from the device’s microphone and then share these recordings.

What you should do to avoid getting infected

First and most important, Never install these modifications for WhatsAppthey are illegal, they can close your account and some include hidden malicious software.

Next, you should always make sure you have your WhatsApp application updated.

Common sense things, never share personal data in WhatsApp conversationsnot even with known contacts because their account may have been previously stolen.

You must always have two-factor authentication activated for your WhatsApp account to avoid losing it in the future.

So by knowing the risks of WhatsApp modifiers, and with some security tips, you can keep your account in the application forever.

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