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Google is trying to revolutionize the way we search and share searches online

Google is ready to implement an important innovation regarding the online search. This is the experiment called “Notes”a feature that will allow all users to write personal notes on certain search results and on Google Discover. Among other things, the opportunity will also be made available to read the notes of other users, always on the results that we will delve into.

Going into the details of the news, the operation of Google Notes will be rather simple. The first step will be to activate the Search Labs experiment, which is currently not available in Italy. After that, users will be able to View, create, and share notes about Google search results and Google Discover articles. Two icons will appear below the search results: one for adding a note; the other to view the number of notes present (which will be viewable in a dedicated section).

Furthermore, Google has specified that it will be possible “Customize your note with elements like text, stickers, and photos, and you can choose from different visual styles to make it feel like your own. In the US, we’ll soon launch the ability to add an AI-generated image to your note as well.”

Finally, moving on to security, the Mountain View giant has assured that it will be used a combination of algorithmic protections and human moderation to ensure notes are as safe, useful and relevant as possible, and to protect against harmful or offensive content. Ultimately, we will use this time to test and discover what works best for users before making these features available to a broader audience in Search.” Notes is available today as a Search Labs feature in English in United States, while in India is available in Hindi and English, both on the Google app and mobile search results.

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