Mobile Phone

Google Messages updates: you can now customize your name and avatar

In recent times we have seen tempers heat up between Google and Apple on the topic of messaging, and in particular in the context of Apple’s failure to adopt the RCS protocol, as it continues alone on its path with iMessage.

The bulwark of RCS messaging at Google is definitely the Messages app, i.e. the Google app created to manage SMS and which then evolved with the recent RCS messaging features. And some are coming for the Messages app further news.

The update for the Messages app in fact introduces an interesting innovation regarding the customization of your personal profile. In fact, the app now allows you to decide which name it must appear within the messaging, as is possible customize your avatar with any personal image.

Entering this information has implications that go beyond the Messages app. In fact, this information will be shown to all those who search for the name or email address set for your profile on the Messages app through Google products and services.

This means the visibility of information within your personal profile in the Messages app will extend also to other Google services. We assume that among these there will be Gmail, Google Chat and Photos. We expect the same feature to arrive for Google Contacts as well.

The new option can be used by going to the menu Advance from the Settings of the Messages app. Its distribution would be underway, at least among those who have it beta version. It hasn’t arrived in our area yet.


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