Mobile Phone

Google Photos: recognizing similar photos will be child’s play

Google Photos is the photo and video management platform developed by Google and which is currently used by millions of users, also thanks to its transversal availability on Android, iPhone and PC.

In recent times Google has significantly renewed Google Photos, both in terms of interface and, and above all, in terms of functionality. They also arrived new tools for editing, some exclusively for those who have a Pixel. In the last few hours the release of an additional functionality.

The novelty we are talking about consists in Google Photos’ ability to select and group automatically The similar shots, that is, those shots that essentially include the same subject and taken in the same scene. We talked about this feature a few weeks ago, when it was still in the development phase.

As you can see from the screenshot in the galleryshared by a Google Photos user who just received it, the feature comes with a welcome screen, with which it is proposed to activate automatic grouping of similar photos.

So there is also the possibility of leaving it deactivated.

The purpose of this feature is to have a overview of shots similar to each other, as it should facilitate the task of choose the best shot. Precisely in this sense, in fact, the newly released functionality also provides for the proposition of the best image in the group, identified as Top Pick and proposed as before when accessing the group.

This should also make it easier for users to understand which shots to delete within a group of similar photos, and keep the best ones. In short, it should be something new it will improve the user experience with Photos especially for those who they take several shots of the same scenes and/or subjects.

At the moment we do not know if Google started the distribution of novelty on a large scale. It hasn’t arrived in our area yet, please let us know if you have received it.

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