Mobile Phone

OnePlus Watch 2 is revealed in the first renderings: continuity in shapes and latest generation processor

Interesting news is arriving from the world of smartwatches. OnePlus is preparing to make its return to this market with the launch of a new device: the OnePlus Watch 2. The Chinese company had already launched the first version of its Watch in 2021, but did not encounter great enthusiasm from the public, mainly due to the software being a little too immature.

Now, however, OnePlus seems ready to try again and, thanks to some high-resolution renderings published by MySmartPricewe have the opportunity to take a first closer look at the product.

As can be seen from the images, the Watch will maintain the classic circular dialdiffering from the previous model in how the two side buttons ”will be set” in the two ends of theprotruding element which can be seen in the photo. The chassis appears to be built in metal (with light or dark tone) that goes with the strap available in two colors: White or black.

It doesn’t appear that OnePlus has chosen a proprietary attachment for the strap, possibly making replacement easier.

Regarding the technical specifications, however, not much information has yet been leaked. From what emerged, the type of was confirmed display (a 1.43” AMOLED) and above all the processor: the latest Snapdragon W5 Gen 1 by Qualcomm. In recent months we have already had the opportunity to see the processor at work on the TicWatch Pro 5 and on the Xiaomi Watch 2 Pro, appreciating its reactivity and consumption. This is definitely a point in favor for the OnePlus Watch 2 which, thanks to the confirmation of the RTOS platform instead of the much more energy-intensive Wear OS, bodes well with regards to the autonomy of the device.

There is no further information regarding a possible launch date and since the leaked renders were based on prototypes, it may still take some time to see them on the market.

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