Mobile Phone

Part Waze, part weather, this navigator wants to make you change your habits

The world of navigation apps is extremely competitive but also very personal. If the majority of casual users, out of laziness or convenience, rarely venture outside of integrated apps in phones like Google Maps or Apple Mapsthose looking for a solution better suited to their needs also spend a lot of time experimenting with the alternatives on the market, of which Waze is probably the most popular.

Journey Navigation enters this sector motivated by strong ambitions and supported by a series of features, mandatory for this type of instruments but also absolutely unique.

The app, recently launched for iPhone with support a CarPlayin fact, offers a series of original functions such as the ability to see forecast along the selected route. All you have to do is explore the map and see how the time as you get closer to your destination so you know in advance if a shower awaits you.

Source: Journey Navigation

Apart from this, Journey Navigation Like Waze and other navigators, it offers real-time alerts about accidents, roadworks and other dangers, even if you can’t report them personally. The function, called Route Watchin fact, allows you to see a summary of the information on your trip with all the critical issues you may encounter along the route, as well as obviously the weather.

Always like Waze, the app also calculates how long it will take to reach your destination and will warn you with a notification to tell you when it’s time to leave.

Source: Journey Navigation

The maps of Journey Navigation and real-time data is provided by Tom Tom, which retrieves information from official agencies traffic and others government bodies, and the interface is very clean and straightforward, with a focus on driving. Among the available data, you will have access to assistance lane, a speedometer, the limit of speed and a map view to see the route.

After all, Journey Navigation offers a rather original experience in an attractive package, and is also compatible for iPad, but there are a couple of limitations. The first is the fact that it is only compatible with iOS 16 and subsequent, and the second is the subscription. The app, available for iPhone, is in fact free to install but requires you to create an account and then subscribe to a paid plan.

The costs are not excessive, 3.99 euros per month or 22.99 euros the year, and you will have all the services and navigation without advertising, but certainly in a world of navigation app free can be an obstacle. Nonetheless, thanks to the free trial of seven days you have the opportunity to test it properly and find out if it can be right for you.

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