Mobile PhoneNews

Google’s password manager at your fingertips on Pixels

Google has been a point of reference in the smartphone segment for many years now, starting with Android which powers millions of devices around the world. But Google it is also present with its apps and services.

And among the most useful and present services in everyday life we ​​find the Google password manager, the one we know as in our area Password manager. It is probably not among the best password managers in terms of functionality and versatility, but its convenience is undeniable due to the possibility of using it on different devices and synchronizing passwords between all devices connected to the same account.

Google’s home password manager is available on Android smartphones too, though it is not easily accessible since it’s nested in the settings. Specifically, access must follow the path Google -> Manager of password -> Google Password Manager.

In the last few hours, however, one has emerged news that will please to those who often need to access Google Password Manager.

In the Pixel Launcher in fact a new and comfortable one has appeared shortcut.

The shortcut we are talking about appears when you search for the term “password” with the tool integrated into the Pixel Launcher. We know that this search tool is now also able to search among the device settings, and therefore we see the direct connection to Google Password Manager.

This shortcut is obviously reserved to those who have a Pixels with Pixel Launcher updated to the most recent version, i.e. the one that provides the possibility of searching for content also among the device settings. However, the Password Manager shortcut appears to be available only for one limited number of usersa sign that Google is only testing it before distributing it to everyone.

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