Mobile PhoneNews

Reasons why you should always turn off WiFi on your iPhone before leaving home

It may seem silly, but these days every decision about how you manage your connections is crucial. One of the most common debates has been whether you should turn off or leave your iPhone’s WiFi on when you leave the house.

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There are specific situations where keeping WFi on can be very beneficial, such as quickly connecting to known networks from other homes, for example, and, of course, avoiding uncontrolled mobile data consumption.

However, Be careful because it seems that there are more disadvantages than you thought and this article will surely open your eyes regarding an action that almost no one does.

The truth is that although many trust their device’s ability to automatically handle the connection, cybersecurity and performance experts argue Four fundamental reasons to consider turning off WiFi while you are away.

Battery optimization

The ability to save battery life by turning off WiFi is an intriguing reason, although the magnitude of this savings is subjective and depends on your iPhone.

To give you an idea, when WiFi remains active without an established connection, the device performs a constant search for available networks, a process that, although minimal, contributes to unnecessary energy consumption. In situations where the battery is key, such as when traveling, you should take into account this option of turning it off.

Overall performance improvement

Disabling WiFi can also result in an overall improvement in device performance. Although iPhones are designed to precisely control background processes efficiently, directing that energy elsewhere can be beneficial to you.

By minimizing constant network searching, the iPhone can focus on more essential tasks, thus optimizing its performance.

Security regarding public WiFi

Cybersecurity has become a concern that is the order of the day, and precisely with respect to this, experts warn about the potential risks when keeping WiFi active on public networks.

Although iPhones have powerful security protocols, These types of networks that you can find in libraries or restaurants are usually vulnerable points to cyber attacks. By turning it off, you reduce your exposure to possible threats, logically protecting your data.

Custom connection control

Finally, maintaining control over which networks you connect to is essential if you want to really know what is happening on your smartphone. Manual network selection guarantees full control and avoids unwanted automatic connections, contributing to a more personalized and secure interaction.

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