

Beware of contactless scams: this is how you can protect your card

As technology advances, people’s comforts undoubtedly improve. But there are also times when the opposite process occurs: you become more…

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How To

CoopVoce always accompanies you: the new card arrives to have Giga also in the USA

CoopVoce is one of the main virtual operators active in the Italian market, known for its very competitive mobile offers…

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Be careful who you buy a graphics card from on Amazon: a manufacturer warns of scams

The existence of thousands of third-party sellers makes Amazon a source of scams, which are difficult to detect. Amazon works…

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They manage to make a Raspberry Pi 5 work with an external graphics card

Raspberry Pi 5 continues to surprise. YouTuber Jeff Geerling, known for his technological experiments, has achieved a notable milestone by…

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You are not alone, a massive Redsys crash causes problems in card payments and Bizum in Spain

If you have tried to make a payment by card or with Bizum throughout Saturday morning, It is likely that…

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The Police warn of the latest viral scam: the disabled card

Cybercriminals’ main objective is to obtain users’ personal data to impersonate their identity in the future, or directly empty their…

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Mobile Phone

Design and many RGB LEDs are the calling card of the Nubia RedMagic 9 Pro

Nubia is a brand that is experiencing a new youth: officially returning to Europe at the end of September, it…

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Mobile Phone

WindTre thinks of Christmas with Christmas Card: up to 250 Giga for 3 months with a one-off expense

For new WindTre customers there are interesting news. In particular, they will be able to take advantage of data-only offers…

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