

Google Drive has a brand new document scanner

Google Drive is the well-known BigG platform that allows you to synchronize with the cloud any type of file with…

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Google and Dropbox are knocked out with this offer: a 12TB hard drive that will be your personal cloud

If you already struggle to save your files in Dropbox, iCloud or if you still regret that Google Photos does…

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How to know if your Gmail, Drive, Docs, Calendar, Meet or Google Photos account is at risk of being deleted

Digital security is an issue that touches our lives daily, and recently, Google has announced a measure that will directly…

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Drive will stop saving your copies of WhatsApp on Android for free in 2024

Very bad news for WhatsApp users. Google has made the decision that any cloud backup of your WhatsApp conversations will…

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Mobile Phone

Google sting: WhatsApp backups will take up space on Drive!

We’re about to give you some bad news, and there’s no way to sugarcoat it, so we’ll say it straight:…

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