

Amazon’s ephemeral victory against fake reviews, but there are 2 real problems

Amazon celebrates today”an important victory in Italy in its fight against fake reviews“. Specifically, we are talking about a sentence…

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A report reveals that they may be tricking you with fake USB flash drives and microSD cards

USB flash drives and microSD cards have become key pieces at a time when storage is essential for everyone. However,…

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This Former Lawyer Admits He Accidentally Used Google Bard AI to File Fake Cases

We are facing a clear example of the dangerous use that can be made of artificial intelligence if there is…

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How To

Apathy reigns: Do we really care about being fooled by fake news and videos on social media? A psychologist responds

In times where there are all kinds of fake news and deepfakesDoes anyone care that they are constantly being fooled?…

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Don’t believe everything you saw in the Google Gemini presentation: it was fake

All that glitters in product presentations is not gold. Something that, on the other hand, does not surprise us. It…

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When AI makes mistakes: ChatGPT can generate fake data to support scientific hypotheses

Artificial intelligence is all the rage. While companies like Meta outline their proposals to add to applications like WhatsApp, among…

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How To

Fakedetail WhatsApp: how to create a fake WhatsApp chat or conversation

Surely while browsing the web or in YouTube or TikTok videos you have come across fake WhatsApp conversations. These chats…

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Alert: Scammers use fake links to download Google Bard that contain malware

The fight against cybercriminals seems to continue and if not, tell Google. The company has decided to stand up to…

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The important thing is on the inside: this is what a real AirPod and a fake one look like if you put it through a scanner

Price has always played an important role when buying a real or fake product. In the case of Apple devices…

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