

They discover that some mini PCs sold on Amazon have factory malware, be careful with this brand

Nowadays virtually all mini PCs and all laptops come with Windows and other software installed. And that can be a…

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This is the malware that pretends to be an email from the SEPE and that you must delete immediately

There are many names, so to speak, that have been victims of so-called phishing: Post Office, the National Police, the…

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Android malware hidden in many apps discovered: here’s which ones

Over the last few years, Android has made huge strides in the context of safety and of privacy. We have…

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This malware is capable of hijacking Chrome cookies to enter your Google account

Cybercriminals do not stop looking for any security flaw or hole to get hold of your personal data, and if…

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Do you suspect your Windows PC has malware? 7 methods to remove the threat quickly

When your computer stops working normally and becomes slower and less stable, it is normal for you to wonder if…

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Dangerous malware detected in 14 Google Play apps with thousands of downloads, check your phone

It is always recommended that we take a look at all the applications that we have installed on our devices…

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How To

SpyLoan malware is all the rage on the Play Store: how to defend yourself

Sometimes it may happen that you need a loan, but turning to any app on the Play Store might not…

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How To

Careful! These Google searches can infect your device with malware

The digital age has brought us endless facilities, but also hidden risks in every click. Even the most innocent searches…

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Russian espionage malware spreads worldwide via USB

A group of Russian hackers, known for focusing their attacks primarily on Ukrainian companies, has expanded its operations, allowing a…

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Alert: Scammers use fake links to download Google Bard that contain malware

The fight against cybercriminals seems to continue and if not, tell Google. The company has decided to stand up to…

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