

The best-selling products on Amazon in 2023: are yours there too?

As we get closer to the end of 2023, it is increasingly time to take stock. This also happens in…

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Mobile Phone

OnePlus blows out the candles: 10 years and many tech products to celebrate

OnePlus is preparing for its celebrations birthdaywhich will be held on December 15thto celebrate his 10 years of activity. This…

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Segway-Ninebot also launches two unexpected new products in Italy

Segway-Ninebot has decided to enter thehome energy storageand with the series of portable feeding stations Segway Cube. For the moment…

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Ikea presents three new products for the smart home for less than 10 euros

Ikea now occupies a prominent place in the home automation segment, with its devices for smart home which are periodically…

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