
How To

TikTok and Ticketmaster together also in Italy: here’s how to buy concert tickets from the social network

News coming for Italian TikTok users: the social network now allows artists to sell concert tickets directly from the application…

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FOMO effect or fear of missing out: the hidden strategy of Instagram and TikTok to make you consume

The rise of social networks such as Instagram or TikTok represented another step in the globalization of society, a consequence…

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Toxic relationships in the age of TikTok: gaslighting, grooming or cricketing

It is clear that TikTok and other social networks allow many people to entertain themselves, share experiences and communicate. But…

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How To

How to activate automatic scrolling or hands-free mode on TikTok

Within the world of social media, TikTok has emerged as a phenomenon, capturing the attention of millions of people with…

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Does TikTok notify users when you take a screenshot?

TikTok has become one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with millions of users sharing short…

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What is “Silent Walking”, the Buddhist practice that is sweeping TikTok

It is surprising the way in which, sometimes, tradition and technology merge. Not only are there apps to practice yoga…

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How much is your data from Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and more social networks worth on the Dark Web?

How much is our data worth in the underground of the Dark Web? A recent study offers us an alarming…

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They watch 1,000 TikTok videos in a row, come out alive and discover as many ads as on DTT channels

How much advertising does TikTok have? Business Insider has decided to quantify it, and as we assumed, it is a…

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