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Tesla Left the Old Way for the New: What Tesla Vision is and How It Will Improve

Tesla is certainly one of the most solid points of reference in the electric car sector, with its cars recording excellent market numbers all over the world. We know well that Tesla cars are also very well equipped from a technological point of view.

Tesla has been testing its autonomous driving system for a few years now, already operational on the roads for those in the United States. And Tesla’s autonomous driving involves various technologies and sensors, among which we find the system Tesla Vision.

Tesla Vision is a system that takes care of managing all the video cameras installed on Tesla vehicles, and which is part of the Autopilot platform. The cameras installed on Teslas are right at the center of the news that has just emerged online. These in fact go to replace ultrasonic sensors which were present on previous versions of Tesla cars.

Such ultrasonic sensors in reality they had the same purpose of the cameras that Tesla has opted for recently, that is recognize objects, cars, people nearby.

This allows cars to manage in complete autonomy different situations, such as parking for example, and provides the driver support while driving, perhaps estimating the distance from the car in front.

The problem is that such new sets of cameras is that they need optimization And improvements to offer the same degree of accuracy as previously available ultrasonic sensors. This is also confirmed by the fact that Tesla, for the cars in which Tesla Vision cameras have been introduced, has temporarily disabled some features which were based on the recognition of nearby objects and people, precisely to allow Tesla Vision based on video cameras to achieve the same level of performance offered by ultrasonic sensors.

Tesla he didn’t explain because the transition to video cameras occurred before this optimization and satisfactory level of performance was achieved. However, it seems certain that updates will come software for the new Tesla Vision, which should increase accuracy.

This was confirmed unofficially also from the Tesla Assistance Center, hoping that the timing is not too long.

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