Mobile PhoneNews

The decline of the smartphone market continues: only one brand is saved

In Europe the smartphone market continues to don’t improve: The third quarter of 2023 was the worst since 2011. The smartphone shipments in this quarter they are decreased by 11% compared to the same period last year: Western Europe sees a decrease of 8%, while Eastern Europe sees a decrease of 15%.

This is what emerged from the study conducted by Counterpoint Research, a company that deals with analysis and research in the world of technology. From his analysis we can understand how the smartphone market in the Old Continent is conditioned by events such as war and increased inflation, which generated a situation of generalized crisis.

If we look at the distribution of the market between the various brands, we note that Apple, despite the 3% reduction in shipments compared to last year, has achieved the largest market share since 2014: the 24%, record numbers for the US brand. Instead, Samsung lost 2% of market share, but has to thank the launch of the new foldables, which have attenuated the fall and keep it at first place.

L’single brand to see the sign positive is Honor, who with the8% increase of shipments compared to last year (especially in Western Europe) manages to enter the top five and approach pre-separation levels with Huawei. The various brands that belong to the BBK grouplike OPPO and Realme, see a large decrease in shipments probably due to legal problems with Nokia in some European countries.

Yet, according to experts, they seem to have arrived at end of this dark periodbecause the decline is gradually weakening and already from the end of 2023 and above all thanks to 2024 we should return to a situation of growth, albeit with substantially unchanged market shares.

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