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The Google search engine will integrate the RAE dictionary and Gboard will be more precise and will translate better into Spanish

The collaboration between Google and the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) bears its first fruits. The LEIA (Spanish Language and Artificial Intelligence) project, underway since 2019, presents advances in a framework that combines artificial intelligence and Spanish language.

The joint effort between these entities stands out for its global reach. The Dictionary of the Spanish Language (DLE) of the RAE will be integrated into Google Searchallowing consultations in Spanish anywhere in the world.

In addition, the lexical repertoire of the DLE of the RAE and the ASALE of the DLE, known as Lexicón, will be incorporated into Google keyboards (Gboard), thus improving the experience of millions of users.

This improvement ranges from error correction to a smoother transition between English and Spanish or reduced bias. Now, writing a message on your smartphone in Spanish will be more precise. Suggested revisions will best suit the context and style.

The agreement between Google and the RAE seeks to improve the use of Spanish globally in technological environmentsespecially in the field of artificial intelligence to carry out improvements in and promote good use of the Spanish language, as announced by both entities.

Integration and its implementation is an example of how technology can serve to preserve and promote the richness of a language as widespread as Spanish, spoken by more than 590 million people in the world. LEIA seeks to preserve its cultural and linguistic wealth in the digital sphere and will have further advances in the future.

Artificial intelligence could lead to artificial dialects

Santiago Muñoz Machado, director of the RAE, has highlighted the importance of this initiative: “The understanding of information is the first of the fundamental rights,” he declared in relation to the relevance of making Spanish accessible through technology.

“Someone has said that the appreciation of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) that the free use of the language by artificial intelligence could lead to the emergence of digital dialects that put at risk the unity of Spanish in the world was visionary, something that has been the great objective of the Academy’s activity for three hundred years,” he stressed.

Fuencisla Clemares, director of Google Spain and Portugal, has complemented these statements, emphasizing Google’s commitment to the good use and management of Spanish. “Since 2019 we have worked to improve the presence of written Spanish in our products,” she declared.

The presentation event took place within the framework of the pro-RAE Foundation – with more than 300 cultural events and 467 publications – chaired by HM the King, at the Royal Palace of El Pardo. 23 Spanish language academies present around the world participate in the project, making this lexicographic advance a pan-Hispanic reference..

The RAE assures that this project not only addresses the inclusion of Spanish in technology, but also faces the challenge of linguistic diversity at a time when artificial intelligence could change language barriers.

The LEIA project emerges as a bridge between continents, cultures and people, contributing to collaborate in the preservation of Spanish in the digital universe. With almost 300 years of history, The Dictionary of the Spanish Language continues to be a reference, also in the digital world.

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