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The map that shows which are the best-selling mobile brands on each continent

The global mobile market is completely dominated by 3 brands that together account for half of total sales. Respectively, Samsung, with 20% market share; Apple (16%) and Xiaomi (14%).

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Although the data for the third quarter of 2023 differs between Counterpoint and Canalys, in both cases the top 3 coincides with slight differences. However, the companies that complement the top 5 do vary depending on the analyst.

While Counterpoint places OPPO (14%) and vivo (7%) in third and fourth place, Canalys lowers OPPO to 9% and places the fledgling Transsion in fifth place (9%)a little-known brand in Spain, but one that you will see repeated here on several occasions.

This is because the leading manufacturers on each continent vary considerably –although with common elements–, even more so taking into account that some markets such as India or China are studied separately, for more than obvious reasons.

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Below, you will find the leading mobile brands in terms of shipments, with data extracted from Counterpoint, Canalys and IDC, taking into account the latest public data available.

China, India, Japan and Southeast Asia

The Asian market is one of the most complex, not only for mobile manufacturers. This is because all the regions have a total population of more than 3.4 billion people.

Although they are very differentiated markets, in which brands of local origin generally dominate, or at least position themselves among the top 5.

In the case of ChinaAccording to IDC, a total of 67.1 million smartphones were shipped in the third quarter, with Honor as the market leader, with a 19.3% share, followed by OPPO (16.2%), Apple (16% ), vivo (15.7%) and Xiaomi (13.5%).

In India, the podium is something different. Of the total of 43 million shipments in the same quarter, according to Canalys, 7.9 million were from Samsung (18%), followed by Xiaomi, with 7.6 million (18%), vivo (17%), realme (13%) and OPPO (10% excluding OnePlus).

And if that was not enough, Japan joins this gigantic continentwhere Apple has more than 50% market share, a percentage unattainable for Google with its Pixel models, which keep 9%, according to the latest data from Counterpoint.

Finally, in Southeast Asia – Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam and Malaysia – one manufacturer has stepped on the accelerator. It is Transsion, a Shenzen-based company that encompasses 3 low-end smartphone brands, Tecno, iTel and Infinix.

It achieved fourth place in that market, with 14% market share, behind OPPO (15%), Xiaomi (17%) and Samsung (21%), which is the leading brand in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam. , according to Counterpoint.

Africa and Transsion’s absolute dominance

Although the African market also covers several countries, in this case it is not as large as the Asian one: during the second quarter, a total of 19.6 million mobile phones were shipped, according to IDC.

On the continent, there is no discussion about who wins, by far, the competition for the smartphone market: Transsion has a 48% market share, and Samsung is still far away, with 30%.

Followed by these, as reflected in Canalys’ first quarter data, appear Xiaomi (6%), OPPO (4%) and realme (3%).

At the moment, it seems that no one can stop Transsion in Africa, as is happening in some of the aforementioned regions in Asia.

United States, Canada and LATAM

Like Asia, the American continent encompasses numerous countries with differences in the most important manufacturers.

In the United States and Canada, Apple dominates the market, in both cases with a first position very far from Samsung. After these, others appear such as Google, Motorola, all of which have almost disappeared in the eastern markets.

Nevertheless, LATAM is something different. Here Samsung does occupy the first position, with a 34% share, followed by the strongest Motorola in the world (21%), Xiaomi (17%) and, again, Transsion (7%), with Apple behind ( 5%).

Western Europe

As for Western Europe, the situation does not change with respect to the leading brands, with Samsung at the head of the continentwith a market share of 35% during the first quarter of the year, according to Canalys.

Apple achieved second position with 33% and Xiaomi third (15%), thanks to the sale of very economical models such as the Redmi and Redmi Note, partly driven by its most important markets, which are Spain, Italy and Germany.

Finally, TCL and OPPO are added to the podium with a 3% market share, the latter with a sharp drop of 53% in mobile phone shipments, according to Canalys.

Russia, the change of power after the war

On the other side of the European region, one of the most important markets for mobile sales also appears: in Russia, a total of 2.3 million mobile phones in July this yearaccording to the latest data available from MTS, a consumer electronics retailer.

It is a truly peculiar region, because companies that lead the market worldwide, such as Apple and Samsung have gone from occupying the top positions to almost disappearingfavoring Chinese companies such as Xiaomi and realme.

In this way, according to your sales – not your shipments –, China has taken over more than 60% of the marketwith Xiaomi as the strongest manufacturer, with a share of 42%, also taking into account the POCO brand.

This is followed by realme at a distance, which gets 17%, while the other positions include Samsung (8.5%), Transsion (7.5%) and Apple (7%). However, the most likely thing in the future is that both Apple and Samsung will continue to lose part of their share.


Although Australia is not the entire continent of Oceania, it illustrates very well which are the most important brands in shipping within the region. In this case, Apple fights from afar with Samsung, with 44.2% and 35.1% respectively.

Behind them, somewhat varied brands appear such as OPPO (5.4%), HMD Global (3.2%) and Google (2.9%).

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