Mobile PhoneNews

This AI is very scary: it can decipher passwords by the sound of the keyboard

Those people who put a sticker above the front camera of the laptop will from now on also want to move their mobile phone away from the computer due to this advance.

British researchers have created a artificial intelligencewhich is capable of identifying key presses through their sounds, and the only thing that would be needed is a smartphone near the keyboard.

This team of researchers has developed the system called CoAtNetcapable of identifying the keys that are pressed at any time in a keyboard.

To do this, the AI ​​was previously trained using spectrograms that represent the unique sound produced by each key on a computer, and in the end they had a 95% success rate in deciphering keystrokesand they only had to put a smartphone within 20 cm of a MacBook.

However, you should not be afraid, because it is a very limited technologygiven that the keyboards of each computer vary significantly, so it would be unprofitable for hackers to create this type of attack, given that most of the keys would not be recognized as there are so many different keyboards.

On the other hand, this artificial intelligence also has problems when it comes to identifying the sound of the Shift key which, as you know, is combined with others.

It would also be very difficult for artificial intelligence to decipher the keys that are pressed if, for example, users are in a place that is not completely silent.

However, this could have some danger, because laptops are always sold with identical keyboards, so an attacker could train this AI for a specific brand of laptops.

Perhaps the solution would be to use a password manager, but the truth is that these types of managers are not completely secure either.

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