
Google Gemini Gets a Makeover: New Results Panel Coming Soon

This panel solves one of Gemini’s biggest problems: Until now, the assistant would “kick” the user out of the app they were using to show the results of their searches or queries. With the new interface, users will be able to see the answers directly in an overlay window, without having to leave the current application.

Among the new features, the floating panel features a light animation around the edge , giving the interface a more dynamic look. This new feature also opens up new possibilities, such as dragging text or images from Gemini results directly into other messaging, email, or other apps.

In some markets (excluding Italy for now), Google has also introduced the “Ask this video” button that will appear when Gemini is invoked while watching a video on YouTube. This feature will allow users to get a summary of the video or ask specific questions about the content. Outside of YouTube, the button will change to “Ask about this screen”.

It’s important to note that, unlike Gemini Live (recently launched for Gemini Advanced subscribers) , the new floating panel will also be available to users of the free version of Gemini.

The rollout of this feature is happening gradually, allowing Google to test the new interface on a larger user base and identify any issues or bugs that the development team may have missed. Later, the feature will be extended to all Gemini users, and most likely also in our country.

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