Mobile PhoneNews

A thief steals his cell phone and when he sees that it is Android, he returns it: “We don’t want this, I thought it was an iPhone”

Life will never stop surprising and these types of stories prove it. On the basis that yes, it is true that there is a boom Regarding the purchase of iPhone, whether for status or quality, it seems that The thieves go one step further and demonstrate their true animosity towards Android phones. And as proof, this episode that happened in the US.

A man in Washington, DC became the victim of an armed robbery last month, where criminals stole all of his belongings, including his car keys and smartphone.

However, the story took a pretty crazy turn when the thieves, After seeing the recently stolen cell phone, they decided to return it realizing that it was not an iPhone, but an Android.

Now all the details have been known, since those affected have been the ones who have shared them with the media.

The eternal battle Android vs. iPhone has no borders and even thieves have preferences

The woman, who had just finished her workday in the wee hours of the morning, said that her husband insisted on meeting her outside her house to park the car.

It was during this return journey that two masked individuals, armed with guns, approached them and They proceeded to steal everything from this man, and then fled in his own vehicle.. “They robbed him, they took everything he had in his pockets, they took the keys to my car, they got in and left,” says the woman.

The key is in the victim’s own cell phone, which, upon seeing that it was Android – the brand or model is unknown -, decided to get rid of it. The woman recounted the unusual moment, remembering the words of the criminals: “They basically looked at the phone and said: ‘Oh, is it an Android? We don’t want this. I thought it was an iPhone.'”

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