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The OnePlus function to protect yourself from meddling friends

<img class="tw-image " src="” width=”880″ height=”495″ alt=”The OnePlus function to protect yourself from meddling friends” title=”The OnePlus function to protect yourself from meddling friends”>

OnePlus has made notable strides in the smartphone segment. In addition to its top of the range products, we know that the Chinese company also pays particular attention to the software aspect of its devices. We are obviously talking about OxygenOS.

OnePlus’ OxygenOS recently received a very particular functionality, which could prove very useful for many users. Let’s talk about the functionality that allows you to hide the inconvenient notifications.

The video that we created and which you can find at the end of this article. This is a feature that allows you to hide the view of the notification preview when the phone recognizes that another person is watchingor peeking, the screen in addition to the owner.

The feature allows the OnePlus smartphone to detect automatically when someone other than the owner is looking at the screen, and in that case, whenever a notification arrives, it will not show the preview of received notifications. The simple description ” will be shownInconvenient notification“.

To activate the functionality you will need activate it from the OxygenOS settings on OnePlus phones.

You can find it in the section Notifications and status bar and then activate the option Hide smart notifications. Upon first activation you will be asked for face scan of the owner. In this way, the device will be able to recognize if other people besides the owner are looking at the display.

The functionality we have just described is available on all OnePlus phones updated to OxygenOS 14the one based on Android 14. Let us know if you find it useful.

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