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Google Cast controls get a new look on Android

Google takes great care of the software aspect of the services it offers, especially when we talk about services aimed at Android devices. Among the longest-standing ones we find Google Castwhat was once known as Chromecast.

Media casting is something that Google offers for many years. Currently Google Cast allows you to transmit content from your smartphone to any compatible device, and features special integration with Chrome.

Let’s talk about it again because one has arrived in the last few hours new graphics for all those who use Google Cast on Android, this is about the notifications that show the multimedia controls.

In fact, every time you use Google Cast, Android shows a notification access media controls of the streaming content via Cast. Until now, these controls have been proposed as a classic notification, but now things are changing in favor of universal multimedia player that we saw debut on recent versions of Android.

This means that Google Cast will now also allow you to control media playback via the Android player, exactly as happens for the other services streaming, like Spotify for example.

We find this news as an excellent step towards uniformity on Android, aimed at a service that certainly is among the most used in terms of access to multimedia content by users.

The novelty should be available on all devices update to at least Android 11and would be being distributed with the version 23.44.14 of Google Play Services.

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