Mobile Phone

Google fixes a serious bug between Android Auto and VPN: check if you have the fix

Android Auto is followed with particular attention because it is the infotainment system that allows millions of people to connect and synchronize their Android device with the car.

We often talk about the new features that characterize Android Auto but also problems that periodically afflict Google’s software. And in the last few hours a new one has emerged, which fortunately it was already solved.

The problem specifically concerned Android Auto wirelessly. In fact, it seems that everyone who had the Google One VPN active on their device they couldn’t start correctly Android Auto wireless.

The problem arose for those who they did not have excluding Android Auto from bypassing the VPN when enabled. This therefore made wireless communication between the smartphone and the device in the car impossible. As a result, Android Auto could not be started. The bug also consisted of the Android Auto app did not appear on the list of apps to which the exception can be applied if the VPN is active.

Several users have reported the consistent problem unable to assign an exception to Android Auto when the VPN connection was active. But luckily Google worked on it quickly and already released the fix.

Google actually released a new update for the Google One app, distributed from October 26th onwards, with which the app should return to allowing you to exclude Android Auto from the bypass with an active VPN. This should definitively resolve the problem and allow you to use Android Auto wirelessly even with the VPN activated.

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