Mobile Phone

Iliad FTTH fiber also reaches white areas, here’s how it works

After revealing the optimums financial results of the last quarter, the 22nd of consecutive growth, Iliad yesterday officially opened the activation of its fiber offer also in the white areas covered by the network FTTH Open Fibre (do you know how to check Iliad coverage?).

We remember that the white areas they are generally less densely populated areas and are the subject of state interventions for the creation of an ultra-broadband network infrastructure (the Ultra-broadband plan financed with Pnrr funds). But how does it work the Iliad offer in these areas?

First of all, know that the network profile available is the basic Open Fiber technology FTTH (Fibre-to-the-home) GPON and speed up to 1 Gbit/s downloading and up to 300 Mbit/s in upload, and this despite the fact that Open Fiber makes profiles available in the white areas with speeds up to 2.5Gbps.

As regards costs, there are no variations compared to the other areas, and the red operator specifies that the price of the offer is 19.99 euros per month if you are Iliad mobile users with an offer of 9.99 euros per month with automatic payment, otherwise 24.99 euros per month forever, and that the installation cost is 39.99 euros.

To these we must add i additional services for a fee, that is 39 euros for the overturning of the sockets And 69 euros for the optical extension.

The overturning of the sockets consists of separating the domestic telephone network from the main one coming from outside, in order to connect the domestic telephone network to the modem/router and distribute the VoIP telephone signal to the telephone sockets present throughout the home, while the optical extension is the positioning of the optical stud in a point of the property further away than the first accessible point (usually located near the entrance).

The offer in optical fiber 100% is open to all usersboth to those who already have a fiber connection with another operator, and to those who still navigate with copper or copper-mixed fiber connections, and to all those who wish to activate a new line.

Once coverage at this address has been verified (there are currently problems with the page, but they should be resolved shortly) and activation has been requested, Iliad warns that, due to the infrastructural complexities that characterize the white areas, the installation of FTTH fiber may require some weeks of processing.

The installation steps include that you may need to arrange a preliminary inspection at the address entered during the subscription phase, to evaluate the predisposition of the House.

The technical partner responsible for the installation could contact the customer to schedule the appointment and in case could request to carry out some jobs inside the house. Keep in mind that these will be a your responsibility.

Once the checks have been completed, the customer will be contacted by telephone by technical partner to make an appointment for the installation interventionlasting approximately two hours and during which the iliadbox and any iliad wifi extenders (if requested during the subscription phase). If you live in a condominium you will need to have access to common areas, such as cellars, stairwells, electrical panels or whatever is necessary.

The Iliad fiber offer includes:

  • modem Iliadbox Wi-Fi 6 on free loan for use
  • internet browsing unlimited
  • unlimited minutes to all landline and mobile numbers in Italy
  • unlimited minutes to landlines and mobile numbers in Canada and the USA, and to landlines in the following countries: Azores, Germany, Andorra, French Antilles, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Cyprus, South Korea, Croatia, Denmark , Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Gibraltar, Greece, Guam, Guernsey, Guyana, Hong Kong, Hungary, Isle of Man, Canary Archipelago, India, Ireland, Iceland, Israel, Jersey, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madeira, Malta, Mayotte, Norway, New Zealand, Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Reunion, Romania, United Kingdom, San Marino, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan

Here you will find all the details of the offer, which allows you to reach 3 million new homes, reaching a total of over 13 million homes. We also remind you that for those who do not live in the white areas, Iliad also makes available, depending on the coverage, the connection to 2.5Gbps on FTTH GPON Fiber network (on Fastweb or Open Fiber network) or the connection to 5Gbps total on FTTH 10G-EPON Fiber network (on Open Fiber or FiberCop network).

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