Mobile Phone

Music bug on Android Auto? Good and bad news is coming

Millions of people around the world use Android Auto, the popular infotainment platform that allows you to synchronize your Android phone with your car (if it is equipped with a compatible box of course).

There are many new features introduced on Android Auto in recent times, in the name of one increasingly powerful integration of Google services and apps with the driving experience, without ever neglecting the safety aspect. Too bad the experience with Android Auto is historically not free from bugs.

The last wave of bugs arrived with the Android 14 update to Android devices, which started to show problems when using Android Auto connected in the car. One of the most relevant bugs concerns the inability to listen to multimedia content via Android Auto.

They are indeed various reports emerged online from users who, after updating their smartphone to Android 14, encountered problems playing multimedia content with music streaming apps, such as Spotify for example, on Android Auto.

Indeed, it seems that those who have such a bug they cannot listen in any way content through Android Auto in your car. Many have tried DIY solutions, even temporary, without success.

Now Google has come out, and this is the famous one good newsreporting that is aware of the problem reported by many of those who have updated to Android 14 and who is working to resolve it. The bad news is that Google, in its speech, He did not report a timeframe to resolve the problem.

So, we can expect that an update will come of Android Auto, which will probably be distributed via the Play Store, to fix this bug. However, we don’t know when it will arrive. In the meantime, we can tell you that perhaps we are among the few who, despite having updated Android 14 (in beta in our case) we have not found the problem described, at least for the moment. Let us know if you haven’t been so lucky.

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