Mobile Phone

The “miracle” that saved Android users 95 petabytes!

We’ve already had the chance to talk about some important optimizations that Google has introduced, particularly with ART, but a recent post on the Android developer blog sheds light on how much has been huge their impact.

According to Google data, the latest ART update, which is already available on all Androids from version 12 onwards, has allowed save on average 50-100MB of storage space for each devicethanks to a 9.3% reduction in the size of the code produced by ART, all obviously without negatively impacting performance.

Said like this, it may seem like a small thing, but since these optimizations are relevant over a billion of devices worldwide, the overall amount of storage space saved is in the order of 47-95 petabytes (that is to say millions of gigabytes)!

THE technical details you can find how this goal was achieved in the official post, just know that for some time Android has been “lighter”, globally.

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