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What is the blue light filter and how can you activate it on your Android mobile or iPhone

One of the consequences of being exposed to the mobile screen for long hours is exposure to blue light, a type of radiation that can affect eye health and your rest.

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According to some studies from Harvard University in the United States, it can alter the circadian rhythm, which regulates the sleep-wake cycle, causing insomnia, as well as fatigue and muscle degeneration, better known as eyestrain.

The negative effects of blue light on mobile phones

By from Japan – Person looking at smartphone in the dark, CC BY-SA 2.0

Besides, blue light can damage retinal cellsfavoring the development of diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, which causes a progressive loss of central vision.

It would seem that the simplest solution is to stop exposing your eyes to that light. However, in the current digital age, this task is presented as a challenge, especially due to the extreme use of computers, tablets and smartphones.

How can you escape this situation when LED screens, ubiquitous in modern devices, emit a significant amount of this radiation?

This is where the blue light filterstools designed to counteract the negative effects of this light in your eyes. To do this, there are several applications that can help reduce this light effect, and here we tell you two of the best options for Android and iPhone.

On Android with Twilight: Blue light filter

Twilight: Blue Light Filter

Although Android phones have a native function to reduce screen brightness and an option to reduce light intensity, these do not have advanced features as if offered by a dedicated application.

In this sense, there is the Twilight app: Blue light filter, which can be downloaded for free in the Google Play Store. This tool not only offers a blue light filter but also provides additional functions and features to enhance your viewing experience.

You can adjust the color temperature of the screen, set a wake-up time to save battery life, and reduce eye fatigue, among other options. Twilight thus becomes one of the best alternatives of its kind for mobile phones with the Android operating system.

On iPhone with Night Shift

On iPhone with Night Shift

For iPhone users, the feature Night Shift is Apple’s answer to mitigate the effects of blue light. Similar to Twilight, this feature built into iOS allows you to adjust the color temperature of the screen, offering personalized options to suit your preferences.

You can activate Night Shift from the Control Center, set automatic schedules and reduce eye strain when using your device at night. The option is presented as an integrated tool that helps you protect your eyes when reading or watching any content at night.

How a blue light filter works

A blue light filter can help you protect your eyes and your sleep from the harmful effects of lighting emitted by the screens of devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, computers, Smart TVs, among others.

It should be noted that There are two ways to use a filter on your equipment. One is to activate the option that is built into the operating system, which reduces the intensity of the blue light emitted by the screen.

Another is to install a third-party application that adds a red filter on the screen, which neutralizes blue light. This second option may alter the contrast and dark colors, but it is worth it if you want to avoid eye strain.

The dedicated blue light filter apps for mobile They offer advanced features, such as:

  • Intensity adjustment: You can regulate the level of blue light reduction you want to apply. This way, you can adapt the filter to your needs and preferences.
  • Automatic programming: Some filters allow you to program their automatic on and off. This is very practical if you want them to activate themselves at a certain time, for example, before going to sleep.
  • Additional filters– In addition to the blue light filter, there are other filters you can use, such as the red light filter or the green light filter. These can help you further minimize the negative effects of this radiation.

In addition to using a blue filter app, there are other things you can do to take care of your eyes. For example, at night or when you are in a dimly lit room, you can reduce the brightness of your device screendoing so will help your eyesight a lot.

Likewise, in certain situations you can increase the font size so that it allows you to read more easily without having to strain your eyes.

Finally, consider taking frequent breaks. It is enough to stop looking at the mobile or PC screen and focus your eyes on a distant object every 20 or 30 minutes, in order to give your eyes a rest.

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