

Best Android apps to be able to locate your friends and family, even in large crowds of people

The vast majority of people you know, unless they are very aware of this issue, are continuously transmitting where they…

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Pages to search for free people online

Searching for someone who has been absent from your life for a long time can be a personal challenge. Whether…

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Poke on Facebook is going crazy again (this time among young people)

Do you remember the function of poke on Facebook? In the early days of the platform it was a fairly…

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IT-alert takes stock of the first 8 months: here’s how people received it

In January and February 2024 saw a series of IT-alert tests on specific risks in numerous areas of Italy, the…

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How To

What is phubbing: when your cell phone is more important than the people around you

Surely it has happened to you on some occasion: being at a work meeting, with friends, family or wherever and…

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Thousands of young people in Spain join the Worldcoin madness: Are you sure about giving up your biometric data for 100 euros in cryptocurrencies?

With more than 360,000 verified users in Spain, the danger is more than evident, but the same goes for the…

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How To

The WindTre offer for young people loses an important piece: Family Protect is no longer included

WindTre has just introduced adjustments for those who intend to activate one of the mobile offers dedicated to the youngest…

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TIM WiFi Special Young Fibra for Gamers: here is the offer for young people

Interesting news for new TIM customers aged between the ages between 18 and 30 years. In fact, they from December…

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WhatsApp will allow you to search for other people by username, and this is how it works

WhatsApp is going to add an important layer of security over the next few days, and it is basically the…

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Vamping: this is how nighttime cell phone use affects young people

Is there an addiction to mobile devices among young people? Many recent studies seem to suggest yes, and even provide…

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