
5 apps that help you concentrate better and be more productive

According to many experts, we live in a time when staying focused can be a real challenge. The rise of technology, so useful in many aspects of daily life, can also become a constant distraction, making all types of daily tasks difficult, not to mention performance at work or studies.

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The curious or paradoxical thing about the matter is that, sometimes, it is precisely part of that technology that can also help you deal with this situation. Here we leave you 5 apps that help you concentrate better and be more productive.

Forest: Stay Focused

Contrary to what you might think, there are many applications that help you concentrate better and be more productive, also on a professional level. One of the most popular in this sense is Forest: Stay Focused, available for both Android and iOS.

Its name, forest in English, is related to its concept. When you decide to focus on a task, you plant a virtual tree. However, If you exit the app before the time you set ends, the tree dies. The idea is to build a thriving forest by completing your tasks without distractions.


5 apps that help you concentrate better and be more productive

Another proposal, at least interesting for Android and iOS devices, which in this case takes advantage of music to improve the concentration.

Focus@Will offers a selection of music scientifically designed to help increase productivity and focus. The app adjusts the type of music based on your personality and preferences.


5 apps that help you concentrate better and be more productive

A unique case of technology to limit technology. Freedom helps you, so to speak, to concentrate better by limiting certain habits related to the Internet.

With this app you can schedule “distraction-free time” sessions or directly block Internet access completely, if you wish, to concentrate as much as possible on other tasks. In the end, it is a practice that also allows you to be more productive at times. It is available for Android and iOS.

Focus To-Do

5 apps that help you concentrate better and be more productive

Inspired by the Pomodoro technique, Focus To-Do divides your time into work and rest intervals. You establish a period of work, usually 25 minutes, followed by a short break.

After completing four intervals, you can take a longer break. This technique is known to improve productivity and keep concentration high during work periods. It can also be downloaded for Android and iOS.

5. (Android, iOS)

5 apps that help you concentrate better and be more productive

Similar to Focus@Will, it is another music-based app., uses scientific algorithms to create sound tracks designed to improve concentration, sleep and relaxation.

It also lets you choose the length of your session and the app will adjust the music to match your goals. It is an effective tool to create a sound environment conducive to concentration. It is on Android and iOS.

Of course, we must not forget that, although these apps help you concentrate better and be more productive, they do not work miracles either. In the end, it is you yourself who, first of all, must start by becoming aware.

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