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5 tricks that work to protect and extend the life of your television

Modern televisions or Smart TVs allow you to carry out all kinds of functions that only a few years ago were practically impossible to imagine. But usually, As technology advances, it also becomes a little more delicate and, why not say it, less durable.

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Many times, in addition, a considerable investment has to be made for depending on which models, which invite you to take as much care of it as possible. Here we leave you 5 tricks that work to protect and extend the useful life of your television. Putting them into practice also does not cost too much effort.

Location, key to protecting your television

The first thing you should keep in mind when caring for and protecting your television, in order to extend its useful life, has to do with where to place it. Many screens on today’s Smart TVs are more delicate than you may sometimes think, and They are extremely sensitive, for example, to sunlight. That is why it is advisable to avoid direct contact with it.

The same thing happens with humidity: try to keep the television away from humid places or close to the ground if it tends to be especially cold, especially in winter.

Beware of surges

Although they are not the most common thing in the world, There are times when your television can suffer due to a power surge.which are sometimes caused by the thunderstorms themselves.

Luckily, there are now many surge protectors to prevent precisely these harmful fluctuations.

Keep your TV up to date

There are times that keeping your television updated may seem trivial, but it is not at all. In fact, yesIt is one of the best measures to protect it and thus ensure that it lasts longer in optimal conditions.

Upgrades to your TV will usually not only make it run better, but can also help make it safer. Whenever you have the chance, update it.

The importance of cleaning your television

Dust and dirt can often become a powerful enemy of your Smart TV. The accumulation of these substances can hinder ventilation, and therefore cause problems in the short or medium term.

You have to keep in mind, yes, that To clean your television it is always advisable to use specially recommended products for itand using soft cloths that, above all, do not damage the surface of the screen.

Protect your television

It is common that when you think about cyber attacks, potentially vulnerable devices such as your computer or mobile phone come to mind. But the truth is that Current televisions are equally weak against depending on what threats.

Protecting your Wi-Fi network, for example with a strong password, is also essential so that your television is free of possible mishaps.

By following all these tips, it is very possible that you will be able to protect and extend the useful life of your television, although fundamental aspects such as its model or brand will also decide how long it lasts, and in perfect condition.

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