
A hacker reveals the five mistakes you make with your mobile that allow him to hack it in seconds

The security of your mobile phone is increasingly important nowadays, where you use it for all types of activities, from communicating with your friends or family to accessing your banking services or browsing social networks and the web.

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However, many users make mistakes that make the work of cybercriminals easier. In this sense, Kieran Burge, a hacker expert in computer security, warns about five mistakes you make with your mobile that make it an easy target for hacking.

Do not update the operating system

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One way to protect your device and personal information from cyberattacks is to keep the software you use up to date. By installing the latest versions of the operating system and applications, you can prevent hackers from exploiting vulnerabilities that have been fixed.

Burge recommends following updates, as they often fix security issues that could put your privacy or the operation of your computer at risk.

Use the same password for all services

If you reuse the same password on your social networks, banking apps, and other services, you run the risk of hackers accessing all of your accounts if one of them suffers a security breach.

Additionally, there are databases on the dark web that store stolen passwords and sell them to the highest bidder. Therefore, it is important to create unique and secure credentials that make unauthorized access to your data difficult. You can use password managers, which are a good option.

Share personal information on social networks

Sharing too much information on social networks makes the work of hackers easier. Burge explains that cybercriminals use networks like LinkedIn to obtain valuable information. This can lead to stolen credentials or advanced techniques like SIM swapping that compromise your identity.

It is for this reason that you must take care of what you share on the web. Avoid publishing personal data that is not essential.

Use public WiFi networks

Connecting to public WiFi networks is common practice for many people who work remotely. Nevertheless, These open networks pose a security risksince hackers can easily access the data transmitted through them.

To protect your information, it is recommended to use a VPN when connecting to an unsecured public network. This service allows you to create an encrypted connection between your device and the VPN server, preventing intruders from spying on your traffic.

Clicking on suspicious links

A common way to fall victim to cyber attacks is to click on links sent to you by email or text message that take you to malicious web pages or downloads.

Hackers create these fake links to trick users into accessing their mobile devices. Therefore, it is important to check the source and credibility of the links before clicking on them.

To protect your mobile phone, but above all your information, from cyber attacks, It is necessary to be alert and follow some basic guidelines.

These are some of the most common mistakes that you should avoid if you want to preserve the security of your data. Don’t fall into these traps and keep your phone safe from hackers.

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