
A Spanish company turns ultrasound scans into hyper-realistic babies, using artificial intelligence

Many parents can’t wait for their baby to be born to know what it will be like, so there is a whole business around 3D, 4D, and even 5D ultrasounds. A business that, like so many others, It is also revolutionized with the arrival of artificial intelligence, which converts ultrasounds into hyper-realistic photos.

First Echoes is a Spanish company that claims to obtain the most realistic photo of the future baby, thanks to the mixture of artificial intelligence and manual retouching.

“We achieved photographic quality results, which show the infant in its maximum expression, with each feature and gesture that makes it unique,” explains the CEO of Primeros Ecos, Miguel Ángel Viruete, in the press release.

ensures that They offer the best results in the world in this field, because “we respect the baby and the ultrasound as much as possible, doing part of the process manually, it is not 100% automatic and that is why the final product is far superior to that of the competition.”

The AI ​​that turns an ultrasound into a realistic photo

We do not know what generative language model Primeros Ecos has used, because they do not reveal it: “We use an Artificial Intelligence for image generation trained specifically for this process, which is improving day by day, with palpable advances every week,” says Miguel. Angel Viruete.

Apparently They are having great success around the world, especially in the United States.: “we collaborate with several clinics in different states such as Miami, New York or Virginia, although many orders also come from Canada and Latin America, with Chile and Argentina in the lead. In Europe, clinics from France, Belgium and Luxembourg.”

First Echoes

To obtain a hyper-realistic photo of your future baby, you just have to send the ultrasound to the Primeros Ecos website. In 48 hours you get:

  • High resolution image (2K) of your baby
  • Low resolution image to share
  • PDF file to print in 15×11
  • Video with the change from ultrasound to our image

The service costs 20 euros. They advise that the ultrasound be done after 26 weeks, which is when the features are already defined. The ideal time is from week 30.

We are left wanting to see a comparison between the hyperrealistic photo created by the AI, and the real photo of the baby, after being born. Unfortunately, they haven’t published any.

Artificial intelligence has more and more uses, and as we see, it serves to create new companies and services, like these ultrasounds converted into hyper-realistic photos, thanks to AI.

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