
Operators already have the red button to end IPTV and are only waiting for an order to press it

Pirate IPTV services are on alert, since the operators and companies that own the rights to transmit the content have declared an open war against these services, with the aim of definitively putting an end to their illicit practice. .

For it, have implemented strategies that have proven to be highly effective. Gradually, they have managed to dismantle numerous networks that offered illegal IPTV lists, which provided free access to high-demand content such as sporting events and other programs that are normally paid for.

Operators say they are ready to end IPTV

ISPs have left behind their passivity in the face of online piracy and are now more committed and determined to combat it. The entertainment industry has been urging operators to take firm action against pirated content for years.and it seems that they have finally given in.

At the moment, Operators have the technical capabilities to stop the illegal flow of IPTV that violates copyright. They just need proper legislation to be passed that will allow them to implement these solutions and carry out a massive lockdown.

An example of this is Proximus and Orange, two of the leading telecommunications companies in Belgium, which claim to be ready to put an end to IPTV networks once and for all. They just wait for the signal to activate the red button when a law is activated and so on. end piracy once and for all.

Orange CEO Xavier Pichon stated the following:

“We have the technological means to massively block these broadcasts, since illegal service providers do not contribute to copyright and threaten the entire economic model of the media. We are just waiting for the legal framework to be able to put an end to these networks. No “We have the right to do that today. But we have the ability.”

This advancement in the mindset of Internet service providers is an important milestone in the battle against online piracy. By being willing to take action against pirated IPTV, ISPs demonstrate their commitment to a cleaner, safer Internet for everyone.

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