
Airplane mode on your mobile: what it is, what it is for and when it is necessary to activate it

Mobile phones have become indispensable tools, as they help with many daily tasks, keep your agenda in check, allow you to connect with friends or family, and provide easy access to the web.

But there is one feature that, despite being common on mobile devices, sometimes leaves a lingering doubt, it is airplane mode.

What is it really for? Why don’t cell phones work on airplanes? Airplane mode is a feature present on all modern devices. When activated, the device disconnects from all wireless networks, including WiFi, mobile data, Bluetooth, and network coverage.

This way, there is no access to the Internet, calls, text messages or other functions that require a connection.

The main reason behind this feature is related to aviation. When you are about to take off on a plane, one of the instructions you receive is the obligation to turn off your electronic devices or activate this mode on your mobile or laptop.

Why is airplane mode still used?

In the past, it was believed that signals from cell phones, as well as other devices, could interfere with aircraft navigation and communication systems. However, subsequent research has shown that this is not true.

It should be noted that currently, the main reason why passengers are asked to activate airplane mode during a flight It is to avoid interference with terrestrial networks.

When a plane takes off, it connects to several cell towers as it passes. Ultimately, this can overload networks, especially if there are many passengers on board.

It is for this reason that airplane mode must be activated throughout the flight, from takeoff to landing. Additionally, with the expansion of 5G networks, some frequency bands are very close to those used for aviation, which can cause certain interference problems.

Airplane mode is a function on your mobile or laptop that deactivates the wireless signals of your device. This prevents it from interfering with the plane’s communication systems with ground networks, which could cause safety problems during flight.

Therefore, it is mandatory to activate the mode before the plane takes off. However, it is not only useful on airplanes, it can also be useful in other situations where you do not want or cannot use your connection, such as at the movies, a meeting, to avoid distractions or to save battery.

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