
Alert: Scammers use fake links to download Google Bard that contain malware

The fight against cybercriminals seems to continue and if not, tell Google. The company has decided to stand up to a trio of scammers who were posing as the company’s technology to wreak havoc on the network.

These, identified as “DOES 1-3” in the lawsuit, created fraudulent social media sites, claiming to offer downloads of Google’s famous artificial intelligence chatbot, Bard.

But, as often happens, what they really offered was malware aimed at stealing login credentials from unsuspecting victims. Google, far from standing idly by, has decided to take legal measures to stop this type of deception and protect its users from the tricks of these impostors.

The lawsuit not only points to infringement of Google’s trademark due to the misuse of its logos in the scam, but also seeks a permanent injunction. The objective? Stop these scammers and stop them from offering fake Bard downloads. But that is not all, Google seeks to make them pay for their actions, including the profits obtained with this ruse.

Google vs. scammers, a battle that goes to court for the safety of users

Halimah DeLaine Prado, Google’s general counsel, has not hesitated to speak clearly about the situation. In a statement posted on Google’s official blog, she highlighted how scammers are taking advantage of the growing enthusiasm for new generative AI tools.

And he’s not exaggerating. With the rise of AI, scammers find fertile ground to carry out their deceptions. “We are seeking an order to prevent scammers from establishing domains like these and allow them to be deactivated with US domain registrars,” Prado said.

This is not the only fight that Google is fighting. In addition to facing these impostors regarding their artificial intelligence, the company also has a second open front.

Nguyen Van Duc, Pham Van Thien and “DOES 1-20”, are accused of creating fake accounts and filing thousands of false copyright claims. Of course, The war has started and Google seems not to be willing to let these people roam freely on the Internet..

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