
Amazon leaves Dropbox and Drive out of the game with this offer: 20TB hard drive at a record price

External hard drives are and have been popular for decades, although in recent years the cloud storage boom has ended up displacing them, creating a problem, which is that the cloud works by subscription and has limited capacity, so you end up paying for a few GB that are not yours, and the more files you save, the more you will have to pay.

To get an idea, Google One offers 2TB of storage for 100 euros per year, while Dropbox goes for 120 euros. The alternative is to go back to local storage, yours and forever: an external hard drive that fits everything, and there are quite affordable ones, like the 20TB WD Elements that Amazon has reduced to only 374 euros.

Although at first it may seem like a lot of money, the reality is that In the medium term it is an investment that you will end up amortizing, since you will only pay once and those 20TB will be like your private cloud. You can even, with a few tricks, connect your hard drive to the Internet to access your files wherever you are.

WD Elements Desktop 20TB

This hard drive has an impressive capacity of 20TB. In addition, its USB 3.0 interface offers a more than notable data transfer and reading speed.
  • amazon €374.99
  • techINN
  • Miravia

The price of the TB is just 18 euros, so it is within what can be classified as cheap or very cheap, and it is not common to see hard drives from well-known brands such as Western Digital at these prices, but it is true that the more capacity the unit has, the cheaper it is if we look at the price per TB of storage.

If you are one of those who usually download and save files on a hard drive, large files of several GB or TB, it is a much more viable option than paying to use the cloud, probably the only viable one, since what you would have to pay to have 20TB of internet storage would be an excessive amount.

The main disadvantage is that those 20TB are not accessible from anywhere or from any device, but that can also be an advantage since it also implies that the information you save there is only visible to you, 100% private. on Telegram on Telegram

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If what you are looking for is the middle path, that is, a hard drive that is prepared to connect to the Internet and be your personal cloud, you need a NAS, and Western Digital itself sells one on Amazon with a 12TB capacity with 34% capacity. discount.

In any case, shipping is completely free to any part of Spain, as is usually the case whether you have an Amazon Prime account or not, although if you are in a hurry it will arrive sooner by placing the order as a Prime user.

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