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An official and free LEGO magazine for your children: it’s not a dream, it’s LEGO Life Magazine!

It’s not exactly new, but that doesn’t mean everyone knows it. LEGO Life Magazine is an official quarterly magazine also translated into Italian dedicated to children. Given the ever-increasing number of AFOLs (Adult Fans of LEGO), it is very likely that such a product goes unnoticed, also because it is expressly dedicated to the little ones.

And precisely because it is designed for the little ones, revisits it LEGO Life Magazine is completely free. Yes, you understood correctly: if your child is between the ages of 5 and 9 you can activate a completely free subscription to LEGO Life Magazine, without registration fees, without shipping costs or anything else. Just press here or on the button below and press Sign up.

Subscribe for free to LEGO Life Magazine

The magazine will be delivered directly to your home without delivery costs four times a year.

The steps to follow to activate your subscription are quite simple:

  • 1) Log in to your account. If you don’t already have one, you can easily create one. It’s free and will give you access to lots of great LEGO Insider rewards. You can sign up by following this link.
  • 2) Enter your address details, as well as the name and age of the child you are registering in order to have the necessary data to send their magazine. If you have more than one child between 5 and 9 years old you can activate multiple subscriptions.
  • 3) Finish! Your child will soon receive the first issue of LEGO Life Magazine!

Specifying your age helps us understand which version of the magazine to send you. Indeed, there are two editions of LEGO Life Magazineone for children under 7 and one for those over 7.

Once you have logged in with your credentials you can fill in the various fields to finalize the subscription. And if you have more than one child you can make multiple subscriptions!

But what does LEGO Life Magazine host within its pages? There are comic stories, mini-games for the whole family, instructions to build buildings, vehicles and other creations and also a look at what’s new LEGO coming soon.

Through Cool Creations (you can find it here) you can also send photos of your little ones with their most ingenious creations. The best ones, after completing and signing a form, will be published in the magazine!

From the archives, by clicking here, you can retrieve all (or almost all) of the previous issues of the magazine, so as to get an idea of ​​what awaits you by subscribing. The paper version to browse, however, is a completely different matter. So if you want to receive it at home for free, you know how to do it!

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