
At what height should you place your computer screen? This is how you can calculate it to avoid back pain

If you spend many hours in front of the computer, it is very likely that at some point you have suffered or are suffering from back or neck pain. It is common, when talking about it, to offer recommendations such as doing stretches and exercises, choosing an appropriate posture and that kind of thing.

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But in reality there is a piece of advice that is often forgotten, and it is of vital importance: Know how high you should place your computer screen. This simple gesture can help you relieve many physical discomforts and, therefore, improve your performance, whether working, studying or even playing. Let’s see everything that needs to be taken into account.

What is the perfect height at which to place the computer screen?

The first thing to keep in mind before calculating how high you should place your computer screen is to know the distance you are from it. Unlike what happens, for example, with televisions, It is very common for you to get very close to the computer to interact with it.

In this sense, it is extremely important to know that the screen must be at a distance that allows clear viewing without straining the eyes or neck. A viewing distance of approximately 20 to 40 inches (50 to 100 centimeters) is recommended. for most configurations.

Once you have carried out this step, the next thing is to measure the height at which your eyes are and should meet. The way to do it is easy: sit in your usual working position and measure the height from floor level to your eyes.

Make sure your gaze is directly ahead and your eyes are level with the top of the screen. That is, they are equal to the upper end of the machine.

In addition, it is also important to pay attention to the viewing angle, if what you want is to avoid visual fatigue and neck strain. The top of the screen should be at eye level or slightly below. A viewing angle of 20 degrees downward from your line of sight is typically recommended.

Other aspects to take into account to calculate the height of your computer screen

Screen resolution is another relevant factor to calculate the height of your computer screen. A higher resolution screen can allow you to adjust the size of text and image without sacrificing clarity, which can affect the ideal height.

On some occasions, it can also be difficult to achieve the exact height in front of your eyes. Especially when you are in front of a laptop or have to adapt to the furniture in your house.

In these cases, The most advisable thing is to buy laptop standsin order to achieve the ideal measures. If you follow these tips, your back, neck and arms will thank you.

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