
Automatic parental control on smartphones will start tomorrow: how it works

Internet it’s immense opportunity, but also a huge source of risks And dangers for the most fragile, and in recent years the question of how has been increasingly posed protect minors from these aspects of the Web.

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Pornography sitesbetting, chats that incite hatred or out-of-control dating sites are unfortunately too strong an attraction for young people, and Agcom had to intervene with the heavy hand after the systems introduced by telephone services from 2020 they did not give the desired results. But how does this system work, on which sites does it operate and how to activate it? Let’s go find out.

What is parental control and which sites will be blocked

The parental controls it is a control that a parent puts in place to supervise their children’s activities while using the devices digital, in order to block access to inappropriate sites.

THE operating systems and also some apps like browsers or social like Instagram or TikTok, for example, they offer solutions integrated, but the common opinion is that there is a need for a more pervasive system.

The problem is in fact that i embedded systems they are not only relatively complicated to use or even i parents they do not know its existence, but also that i Boys they are particularly good at avoiding them, for example by spying on them password of parents.

This is why from 2020 the telephone operators they were supposed to provide full and free services, but they didn’t work. Hence the resolution of the Communications Authority (Agcom), called “Systems for protecting minors from the risks of cyberspace“.

There decides, that defined precisely “Adoption of the guidelines aimed at implementing article 7-bis of the legislative decree of 30 April 2020“, intervenes precisely to help families adopt these systems, free and simple.

Operation is very simple: at the moment of purchasing a SIM for minors, they must already be activated i blocks, and even for already active SIMs they will be activated automatically.

But which sites will be blocked? Agcom has identified eight site categoriesdefined inappropriate:

  • Weapons: Sites that provide information, promote, or support the sale of weapons and related items
  • Gamble: sites that provide information, promote or support gambling and betting
  • Violence: sites that feature or promote violence or personal injury, including self-inflicted injury, suicide, or that show scenes of gratuitous, sustained, or brutal violence
  • Hate: sites that promote or support hatred and intolerance towards any individual or group
  • Health: sites that promote practices that can harm your health such as anorexia, bulimia or drug use
  • Anonymity: sites that provide tools to make online activity untraceable
  • Seven: sites linked to religious sects
  • Pornography: adult sites where pornographic content is disseminated and where goods and services of a similar nature can be purchased

Unfortunately Agcom was unable to intervene on the advertising that these categories of sites use to promote themselves outside their channels.

A dark point remains the list of sites blocked.

At the time of writing, Agcom has not yet published a list, but will communicate the criteria to identify the specific sites to block. While waiting, operators can use blacklist created by them or taken from third parts specialized.

How automatic parental controls work

As we wrote in the previous chapter, you will not have to do anything to activate this block on the SIMs registered in the name of minors, in what they will do All the operators.

And for them SIM registered to the parents? The system is intended only for SIM registered to minors, so in this case you must request the activation of the block directly to the operator at a later time.

Furthermore, the block will not be monolithic and you will be able to manage it with a certain elasticity. For example, parents can customize the filters unlocking some categories, for example, or turning them off completely. Operators can also allow you to activate time blocks, valid only at certain times.

Finally, you can also deactivate the service when your child reaches eighteen years of age.

All these procedures can happen in four ways: using the Activation PIN obtained when the SIM is activated, via a reserved code OTP activation via SMS or email, via SPID or the reserved area on the operator’s website.

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