
Beeper no longer wants to fight for iMessage, and sticks with Apple

apple” title=”Beeper no longer wants to fight for iMessage, and sticks with Apple”>

In recent weeks we have carefully followed the story that has confronted Beeper, a company that deals with instant messaging and founded by the creator of Pebble, Apple.

This is because Beeper launched the Beeper Mini app, which was created to allow you to use iMessage on Android without any access to your Apple ID on third-party servers. Practically a revolution, and one big turning point for those who need to use iMessage on Android too.

Too bad Apple went on the counterattack, releasing iMessage updates almost immediately aimed specifically at blocking Beeper Mini. After a couple of attempts, Beeper even managed to restore the service by bypassing Apple’s block. In the last few hours Beeper herself has returned to the topic and he responded harshly to Apple.

The founder of Beeper, Eric Migicovskyhas in fact announced that the battle to have Beeper Mini working it is unsustainable and that if Apple were to come back with a new block, then they wouldn’t go back to work to fix it.

In practice, the most recent implementation of Beeper Mini it will also be the last if Apple were to block it again.

This is also because Beeper announced that i his interests in the long term they are others, or to develop the best messaging app in the world. But there aren’t many official details on this yet.

In the post written by Eric Migicovsky we also find some relevant information responses to criticism which were moved by Apple, and by some online users, to Beeper. Among the most significant ones, we find the response to the accusations of making iMessage insecure. Beeper reported that his code is online and available to everyone, just to prove that there is nothing fishy underneath. Furthermore, Eric Migicovsky reported that Beeper Mini communicates exclusively with Apple servers, and that no user data is sent elsewhere.

Indeed, Beeper assures that in reality it would have provided more security to iPhone users interacting via iMessage with Android users.

Since the Beeper Mini platform supports the end-to-end encryptionwhile the SMS that iPhone users are forced to use to communicate with Android users with iMessage obviously does not support it.

Eric Migicovsky also commented on those who mention the Apple’s promise to bring the RCS protocol to iMessage, stating that, even if this were to happen in the future, it would be later anyway compared to Beeper Mini which instead would already have it available.

Migicovsky’s long speech ends with a weighty consideration: he hopes that Apple have more confidence in what it offers to its customers, and that it doesn’t convince itself that its customers buy iPhones just for a blue bubble.

In short, the story it seems to smooth out in favor of the giant Apple, too big even for Beeper. In the middle there are the users, who are certainly the more disadvantaged in this lack of uniformity and openness between messaging services.


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