
Bizum: what is your new digital identifier and in which banks it is available

It only takes a quick look at the figures, the numbers, to realize how popular the Bizum platform is in Spain. The latest data confirms that 25 million users in our country already use this instant payment service. In many cases, to carry out procedures such as giving money to someone, making digital purchases or even collecting lottery money.

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That is why it is not surprising that its managers continually strive to improve its performance, always with one idea in mind: make operations faster and easier, both characteristics that best define Bizum. In this case, through a digital identifier. Do you want to know what it consists of? Well pay attention.

What is the Bizum digital ID and how does it work?

Basically, Bizum’s new digital identifier has two clear objectives. On the one hand, it aims to reduce the operating costs of businesses that use the platform and which, according to estimates, would already exceed 50,000 businesses.

That is, the verification of new customers that until now was carried out by the businesses themselves will be replaced to delegate the registration to Bizum itself.

On the other hand, digital identification also aims to confront possible frauds that use the platform to carry out different types of scams. Now, by keeping in mind that user information will be validated by the banks themselves, they expect to make safer purchases in every sense. In short, one more way to do faster and more reliable procedures.

For users, this novelty also has a pragmatic meaning, which is none other than being able to register and access online services more easily than until now.

In which banks is the Bizum digital identifier available?

It is usually customary in these times that almost any technological incorporation to a tool or platform is carried out progressively. In this sense, the Bizum digital identifier will not be an exception. As reported by its own officials, at the moment there will be three banks that have it.

Coincidence or not, It will be about the three main Spanish bankswhich are none other than CaixaBank, Santander and BBVA. As these banks have this functionality, millions of users will be able to begin to benefit from it. The same as the businesses that develop it.

And what happens with the rest of the banks? Well, as Bizum has confirmed, they will progressively join in including this digital identifier.

In this way, the idea happens because Registration in online stores is becoming easier, without requiring specific user data or passwords.but simply by accessing your mobile phone and the application that each person uses from their bank with Bizum.

In theory, this will also help improve privacy when carrying out all types of operations. Something that becomes more important among people every day.

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