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Bluesnarfing: this is how you can avoid thefts that arrive via Bluetooth

Today there are many ways in which cybercriminals carry out security threats. Mainly, to obtain your data (banking, most of the time) through the scam known as phishing or through traditional SMS messages.

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But there are also other forms of attack that are less known and that, unfortunately, are more on the rise than ever. This is the case of the so-called bluesnarfing, thefts that come through Bluetooth and that you should know about.

What is bluesnarfing?

Basically, The hacking technique that focuses on exploiting security vulnerabilities present in Bluetooth connections is known as bluesnarfing.. The word snarf It comes from computer slang and means “to steal.” Therefore, bluesnarfing involves the theft of information through Bluetooth connections without the knowledge or consent of the device owner, of course.

In reality, there are many sensitive things, so to speak, that you can store on your mobile phone, and that criminals can use to their advantage. We are talking about information in the form of contacts, messages, photos or, sometimes, even more compromising data.

The bluesnarfing process involves identifying active and vulnerable Bluetooth devices in the attacker’s range. Once the objective is identified, The hacker uses specialized techniques to bypass security measures and gain access to information stored on the device without the owner being aware of the intrusion.

Precisely, that is one of the main risks of bluesnarfing: unlike other scams and cyberattacks, they usually leave no trace, so you may not realize that you have been violated, or only do so when it is too late and it is difficult react. The best solution? Try to prevent it in advance.

How to avoid Bluetooth bluesnarfing attacks

The first thing you have to do if you want to avoid being a victim of bluesnarfing is to always keep your device updated, as far as possible. Updating the firmware and software of your Bluetooth device is essential. Updates typically include security patches that fix potential risks, thus reducing the likelihood of being a victim.

Furthermore, it is important that Disable Bluetooth when you are not using it, closing that avenue of entry for criminals. This simple action limits your device’s exposure to wireless threats when you are not consciously connected to other devices.

It must be kept in mind that Bluetooth is not the most secure technology in the world, precisely, so sometimes it is advisable to look for other similar alternatives. Without going any further, wireless technologies such as WiFi Direct or NFC can offer safer options for depending on which applications.

Another way to avoid bluesnarfing is to Set your Bluetooth device to invisible mode, as this will reduce visibility to potential attackers. This means that your device will not appear in searches for other nearby Bluetooth devices.

In short, bluesnarfing is a real threat, but one from which you can protect yourself relatively easily. As you know, prevention is better than cure.

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