
5 quick steps to erase your digital footprint on the Internet and improve your privacy

As technology advances, more and less everyone is leaving a digital footprint on the Internet. That is, a trace of their presence, even in the case of people who are not very fond of social networks or using digital services. It seems inevitable, but to what extent can it be remedied?

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It must be kept in mind that, with this information (sometimes very clear, other times not so clear) you can easily create a profile of any person: their data, their tastes or even their preferences in many ways. If what you are looking for is to preserve your privacy and erase your digital footprint on the Internet, here are 5 quick steps to do it.

Be careful with social networks


All social networks have privacy policies that, if you do not want to be too public, deserve to be taken into account and studied well. For example, limiting the visibility of your posts and checking who can tag yourself in photos. Be sure to review these settings regularly, as platforms often update their privacy policies.

You should also keep in mind that there is a “passive digital footprint”; That is, that trace on the Internet that you are not even aware exists. Can the latter be avoided? Probably not, unless you monitor the content uploaded by your acquaintances and try to make them aware.

Delete accounts and data that you no longer use

Over time, it is quite common that you have registered on various sites on the Internet that you no longer use. And many of them use or retain data about you. A good way to erase your digital footprint is to remove yourself from them, at least to the extent possible.

Keep in mind that, in many cases, Just because you no longer use a platform in question does not mean that it does not continue to “keep” you there.if you don’t do something about it.

Find yourself

Searching for your own name on Google may seem a little narcissistic when viewed cold, but in reality it is almost essential when you want to erase your digital footprint. What you find about yourself, anyone else could also find.

Pay attention to the results, and if you find information that you would prefer to keep private, contact the relevant websites to request removal of the information. You can also activate notifications on Google for when your name is published somewhere.

Be careful with emails

It is clear that not all emails have the same degree of security, but what is certain is that they also leave a digital footprint. Or they can, depending on how you initially set them up.

If you are looking to significantly increase privacy, Include as little personal information as possible in them.

Use strong passwords

Using strong passwords is key when managing your privacy on the Internet, as all experts point out.

Although it sounds cliché, It is important to avoid using easily accessible personal information, such as names or dates of birthin your passwords.

With these actions, nothing guarantees that you will disappear, so to speak, from the Internet, something quite difficult in these times, but you will undoubtedly be able to erase your digital footprint to a large extent. And, as much as it is often forgotten today, privacy is always important.

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